An Answer To The Question Why Can't I Get A Girlfriend
The first thing you need to understand if you are asking yourself this question is that there are tons of other guys that ask themselves the same question. I should also tell you that the situation can change though. So let's take some time and discuss a few possible reasons for your problems with attracting women.
A big problem with guys is body language. If you want to be attractive to women, you have to work on having attractive body language. Women love men with awesome body language. You see, they feel safe around a guy that looks like he's sure of himself.
The thing you need to understand about body language is that it will show what is going on inside your head. So if you are nervous, afraid, sure of yourself, comfortable, confident etc, women can sense that. So of course the guy with the alpha male body language will be very attractive to women.
Another reason why you might be struggling with getting a girlfriend is that you are afraid of being rejected. This is totally normal. But you will need to get used to rejection. I am not saying that it will keep happening, but it will happen as you are learning more about women. So when it happens, you shouldn't feel as if your life is about to end. Expect it and get over it.
The really valuable lessons are all waiting for you in the field. Not in books. Not online in forums, but in the field. And believe me it's worth taking those rejections to learn those valuable lessons. So get used to the possibility of being rejected. Not all interactions will go well.
Just by going and talking to women, you are already increasing your chances of getting a girlfriend. And you will have the upper hand on other guys since they are too afraid to do it. They would rather sit on their computers talking to imaginary women online.
At the same time you have to bulk up on your knowledge of women and attraction. You have to figure out why women like certain men. What men do to make women feel sexual attraction for them. Spend the time to get that knowledge.
You see attraction for men and attraction for women are very different things. They don't process their emotions like we do. This is why you need to figure out how they get attracted to men. This knowledge will make you irresistible to women.
The other thing you should know is that the sexy guy doesn't always get the girl. Women are not as visual as men. They look for other things when it comes to attraction. And that is what I have been talking about. Find out those other things and you will get the girl you want.
So just to recap, you have to get your body language in check. The other thing you need to be aware of is that women will reject you in the beginning simply because you don't know how to talk to them yet and the last thing is that you have to learn what women like in men. The question of why can't I get a girlfriend shouldn't be a problem for you once you have gone through those 3 tips on your own.
A big problem with guys is body language. If you want to be attractive to women, you have to work on having attractive body language. Women love men with awesome body language. You see, they feel safe around a guy that looks like he's sure of himself.
The thing you need to understand about body language is that it will show what is going on inside your head. So if you are nervous, afraid, sure of yourself, comfortable, confident etc, women can sense that. So of course the guy with the alpha male body language will be very attractive to women.
Another reason why you might be struggling with getting a girlfriend is that you are afraid of being rejected. This is totally normal. But you will need to get used to rejection. I am not saying that it will keep happening, but it will happen as you are learning more about women. So when it happens, you shouldn't feel as if your life is about to end. Expect it and get over it.
The really valuable lessons are all waiting for you in the field. Not in books. Not online in forums, but in the field. And believe me it's worth taking those rejections to learn those valuable lessons. So get used to the possibility of being rejected. Not all interactions will go well.
Just by going and talking to women, you are already increasing your chances of getting a girlfriend. And you will have the upper hand on other guys since they are too afraid to do it. They would rather sit on their computers talking to imaginary women online.
At the same time you have to bulk up on your knowledge of women and attraction. You have to figure out why women like certain men. What men do to make women feel sexual attraction for them. Spend the time to get that knowledge.
You see attraction for men and attraction for women are very different things. They don't process their emotions like we do. This is why you need to figure out how they get attracted to men. This knowledge will make you irresistible to women.
The other thing you should know is that the sexy guy doesn't always get the girl. Women are not as visual as men. They look for other things when it comes to attraction. And that is what I have been talking about. Find out those other things and you will get the girl you want.
So just to recap, you have to get your body language in check. The other thing you need to be aware of is that women will reject you in the beginning simply because you don't know how to talk to them yet and the last thing is that you have to learn what women like in men. The question of why can't I get a girlfriend shouldn't be a problem for you once you have gone through those 3 tips on your own.
About the Author:
The author of the above content has several years of understanding on how to get a girlfriend now. If you're interested in acquiring additional information on this topic, then you are invited to check out his website that will show you how to get a girlfriend the easy way.

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