Let's Show You How To Get A Girlfriend Fast
First off, let's talk about women. They don't think like men. When women sees a guy that she would like to sleep with she might get horny but she will never act on that emotion. She wants him to make the move. She wants him to chase her. She feels that if she does it, people will see her as a slut or as easy.
So the big thing to learn here is that women are not fond of taking risks when it comes to sexual relationships. Yes they want to have sex with you, but they will probably not make the move. The man has to take that risk. He has to make the first move.
It simple really. All you have to do is take risks. Take risks often. Ask her for her number. Set up a date. Take her to your place. Get physical with her. Just take risks. When she wants you to do those things, she will give you what you want, but she will not do it without you taking those risks.
The other thing you need to do is talk to women every day. If you can, go out and meet at least one new woman every day. It will help you get comfortable with being around incredible beauty and it will give you a rapid way of improving yourself. You see everything that you do over and over, improves.
It is also a good idea to spend time analyzing your interactions with women. When you analyze, you learn, and when you learn, you improve. Think of all the mistakes you made and everything you did right.
You will then notice your mistakes and that is where you will actually learn the valuable lessons. This is when you will come up with new solutions and different ways of handling those situations. You can then lock that new solution in and use it the next time you need it.
Repeat that process for a short 90 days and take a look back at your results. When you see the progress you have made in that short amount of time, you will probably not be able to stop doing it. You really learn fast when you blame yourself when the interaction doesn't go well. Because that is when you force yourself to think of different ways to handle the interaction. Other guys blame the women they are talking to and that stoops them from making any progress.
So when you actually blame yourself and work on improving yourself, you will notice that women start responding to you differently and before you know it you will find it very easy to start a conversation with someone you don't know and you will know exactly what you need to do to make her want you.
It will actually feel like a really cool game to be honest. The only thing is that you know all the cheat codes to the game. You will not be guessing when you are talking to women. You will know exactly what to say and do. And that is valuable.
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