5 Attraction Secrets That Women Know But Men Don't! Read Their Mind & Become a Girl Magnet
However, how many times have you seen a gloriously attractive woman be in a relation with an average looking guy? Plenty. There's just no way for you to figure out what attracts a woman. Here are some tips that might be of help to you in trying to figure out what a woman finds attractive.
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Women are more attracted to "bad" guys. You might think that looking fresh and squeaky clean and projecting an image of Mr. Goody is what a woman is looking for. Some women might prefer that image but most women prefer some excitement so they would naturally go for a rougher version if not for an outright "bad boy" image.
Bad boy here does not connote to one who beats up women and has a jail record or is an alcoholic or a junkie. "Bad" here means someone who is more adventurous, funny and can laugh at themselves.Women are attracted to traits that can't be seen. Women are not initially attracted to physical looks but more on personality and character traits.
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A woman would rather date a man who is not good looking but one who has a great personality.Women are attracted to men who can handle themselves well. A man can be rich and famous but these do not guarantee that a woman will be attracted to him.The more important aspect is if a man knows how to handle himself.If he is rich because he knows how to run his business, then that is attractive for a woman.
If he is famous because he does the community service, then that is a plus.Women love a guy who is successful. Who would not? A woman would not want to be saddled with a loser, does she? Success is not all about earning big bucks.Women are attracted to honest guys. Are you honest in every aspect of yourself? A woman will be able to tell if you are a phony or not. You can misrepresent yourself and a woman will be able to say that you are faking it.